Business Ethics Summit â€' New York City, April
21, 2005
Agenda Will Explore Media Coverage of Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Issues Business Ethics magazine today released the agenda for the first annual Business Ethics Summit, entitled, “Corporate Scandals, Corporate Responsibility and the Media: Who Should We Believe?â€, to be held in New York City on Thursday, April 21, 2005. The Summit will focus on media coverage of corporate social responsibility and business ethics issues against the backdrop of continuing corporate scandals and rising interest in (and criticism of) corporate social responsibility.
Speakers: Keynote Speaker: Paul Steiger, Managing Editor of The Wall Street Journal. Luncheon speaker: Lawrence Ingrassia, Business Editor of The New York Times. Panel One Media Coverage of Business Ethics: All Scandal All the Time? This panel will examine whether the business media is ahead of or behind the curve when it comes to covering business ethics issues, whether it focuses too much on corporate scandals and errant CEOs to the detriment of more substantive reporting, and how it might better serve its audiences by integrating ethics and CSR concerns into its standard coverage.
Moderator: Joe Keefe, Senior Advisor, Strategic Social Policy, Calvert Group
Confirmed panelists: Matthew Winkler, Editor in Chief, Bloomberg News; Tim Smith, Senior Vice President, Walden Asset Management, and President, Social Investment Forum. Panel Two Corporate Communications, Corporate Spin: How the Ethics Scandals and CSR Spotlight Have Changed the Way Corporations Communicate This panel will focus on how corporations communicate with key stakeholders in the wake of continuing corporate scandals and rising expectations that companies must adhere to higher standards of corporate governance and social responsibility. How have companies adapted, and where are corporate communications headed?
Moderator: James MacGregor, President, The Abernathy MacGregor Group
Confirmed panelists: Judith Dobrzynski, Executive Editor, CNBC Business News; Leslie Gaines-Ross, Chief Knowledge & Research Officer, Burson-Marsteller; David Frishkorn, Director of Business Ethics & Compliance Office, Xerox Corporation. Panel Three Looking Ahead: What are Next Year’s Business Ethics Headlines? This interactive panel will examine where the CSR movement is headed, how corporate communications can be expected to change in response to rising expectations among stakeholders, and what role the business media can play in facilitating better public understanding of business ethics and CSR issues.
Moderator: John Weiser, Partner, Brody Weiser Burns
Confirmed panelists: Marc Gunther, Senior Writer, FORTUNE magazine, author, Faith and Fortune: The Quiet Revolution to Reform American Business; Marjorie Kelly, Editor, Business Ethics magazine, author, The Divine Right of Capital; For more information about the Business Ethics Summit, including registration information, contact http://rd.bcentral.com/?ID=2657983&s=12907015 or call 612-879-0695. # # |