Documentation of family
history research--online
article. Click here
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sources--online article.
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Types of evidence and
evaluation of them--
online article. Click here.
Perpetual Calendar
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Searching for Their Stefana: Locating My Grandparents' Marriage Record
Philip Tedro: A Greek Legend of the American West
Examining False Copyright Claims in Genealogy
On Teaching About the Greek-American Experience
First Generation Greek Immigrants in Australia estimated at 180,000
Coming to America: Stories of Greek Immigrants and American Authors' Weekend at the Annunciation Cathedral of Atlanta
Declaration of Northern Epirotes from Korytsa and Kolonia Demanding Union with Greece--Pan-Epirotis Union in America, Boston, 1919. [a lengthy document--1.92 MB PDF--37pp)
Annunciation Cathedral of Atlanta Schedules Hellenic Genealogy Workshop for Centennial Celebration
Picture Bible of Mani Captivates with Historical Images--A Review
Arcadia, My Arcadia Masterfully Depicts Greek Village Life--A Review
Meyer Completes Fifth Historical Novel About Greece During WWII and Receives Award
Out of the Balkans--A Review
Brief History of the Balteas
Family of Exo Mani and
The Uprooting of Hellenism in Asia Minor, Part Two
The Historic Boston Cathedral: Reliving 100 Years
National Historical Museum
of Greece Donates Books for
UNH Special Collection
Alexander the Great: Sui
Alexander the Great:Sui Generis by Nicolas Martis--Revisited
Forever Club Sponsors Genealogy Workshop
The Atmeidan or Hippodrome -- in Constantinople
Greek Genealogy Workshops Held in Somerville, Haverhill, Massachusetts
Hundreds of South Floridians Attend Hellenic Historical & Genealogical Association Workshops
Greeks in the Confederate Army
Greek-Americans Receive Ellis Island Medals of Honor
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Other recommended links

Index of Early Pennsylvania Obituaries Now Online Search Pennsylvania Obituaries Online
Pennsylvania's state library has posted microfilmed images of scrapbooks containing newspaper obituaries published between Oct. 16, 1891, and March 3, 1904.
Search for your ancestor's obituary at (the search page doesn't give you much clue where you are). At the bottom of the page, unclick everything except State Library of PennsylvaniaGenealogy. Type your keywords (such as a name or place) in the All of the Words field and click Search.
If you're not sure whether Great-grandma would be listed under her maiden or married name, enter both surnames in the Any of the Words field and type her first name in the All of the Words field. The Proximity tab lets you type two search terms and specify the number of words apart they can occur, letting you net obituaries containing variations such as john smith; john charles smith; and smith, john c. Still can't find the deceased? Try searching for people who might be listed as survivors.
Results show thumbnails of each matching obituary, its page number in the original scrapbook and surnames of everyone whose obituaries appear on that page. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the page; use the icons at the top to zoom in and navigate around the article.
New York Bride and Bridegroom Indexes Now Available Online
The bridegroom index is for the entire city (1909-1936). The bride index is incomplete and is only for the boroughs of Bronx (1891-1937), Brooklyn (1891-1937), and Queens (1904-1937). Plans call for adding the Manhattan bride index to the online system. The Stephen P. Morse site at http://stevemorse.org/ now has cross-links between the two indexes for New York City located at the Italian Genealogy Group site at: http://www.italiangen.org/
Missouri Death Certificates Now Indexed Online (1910-1955)
The Missouri State Archives now offers the Missouri Death Certificate Database. It's a new online index and images. Currently the index covers from 1910 to 1955 and the images date from 1910 to 1920. It is at the URL:
Copying Old Photographs: Infringement of Copyright Laws?
In the case of photographs, it is sometimes difficult to determine who owns the copyright and there may be little or no information about the owner on individual copies. Ownership of a "copy" of a photograph is distinct from the "work" itself -- the intangible intellectual property. Read more.
New Book Chronicles History of
Greek Americans of Cleveland, Ohio
Greek Americans of Cleveland Since 1870, a 416-page history of Greek immigrants who settled in Cleveland (Ohio), traces the lives of the first immigrants to settle in this area, life in communes, the nomadic search for work, the establishment of the first businesses, and the creation and growth of the first Greek Orthodox Church Community and those that followed. The book is now available from The Hellenic Preservation Society of Northeastern Ohio, an expanded and upgraded version of an earlier book that was published in 1984. Read more.
U.S. Diplomatic Personnel Submit Partial List of Persons Safe and Evacuated after Smyrna Catastrophe
Submitted by Stavros T. Stavridis. Click here to read brief list of names cabled by Admiral Bristol to State Department. A few of the names appear to be Hellenic. All were evacuated to Salonica and eventually to New York. These persons seem to have received direct assistance from the American Consulate during the Catastrophe, unlike the majority of the hundreds of thousands of refugees from Smyrna, Pontus and Asia Minor who were evacuated to the Greek mainland follwing the Catastrophe.
Black Book: The Tragedy of Pontus, 1914-1922
The Black Book: The Tragedy of Pontus is invaluable for its historical and genealogical information. This pamphlet details the numbers of Pontic Greeks killed in each village by the Turks, with some lists of actual names, and eyewitness accounts of massacres and genocide. Compiled in Athens in 1922, it serves as valuable testimony to the crimes committed. Although copies of this pamphlet are rare, there are about a dozen in the U.S. and Europe. Printed bilingually (English and French) in Athens in 1922 for the Central Council of Pontus, the aim of the pamphlet was to disseminate publicly the details of an irreparable loss of culture, history, and human life. Click here to view the pamphlet [large pdf file--16.2 Mb--Adobe Acrobat needed to view].
Beginning a Greek Genealogical Search in the U.S.
A revised, online article by Hellenic Historical and Genealogical Association for persons researching Hellenic ancestry. This simple, five-step plan helps researchers make effective use of their time by showing where and how to research. The goal of this recommended plan is to find the original Greek name of one's immigrant ancestor and his or her village, the information necessary to do research abroad. Click here for the full article.