Reading Headstones
Start with non-invasive techniques, including using digital software to enhance images. After that, consult the cemetery staff and local boards, as local laws and rules determine which techniques are allowed. Ask them to put on workshops and organize groups to transcribe and photograph as many cemeteries as possible. Read entire article.
Preventing Identity Theft Does Not Mean Hiding Your Ancestors
Does your genealogical information on the Internet pose a security risk for the so-called identify theft problem? The simple answer is no. While we all need to be cautious about revealing too much personal information about ourselves and our living family members on the Internet (and elsewhere) the most common sources of identity theft are those we encounter in our daily lives. In a recent New York Times article by John Leland, it is noted that this crime often begins at home with more half of the victims revealing that the ID thief was a family member, a friend, a neighbor or an in-home employee. Read more.
Red Star Line Shipping Company.
From 1873 to 1935 the Red Star Line shipping company transported nearly three million people from Antwerp, Belgium to the USA and Canada. There's considerable data concerning the ships and the company and pictures with a link to the Belgium-Roots Project, which contains an alphabetical list of individuals who emigrated from Belgium and are being researched by others. See the URL's (RED STAR LINE) http://www.redstarline.eu/ and (BELGIUM-ROOTS PROUJECT) http://belgium.rootsweb.com/_fam/emigrants/
Using Rootsweb: Military Records Flesh Out Family Histories
If military records can be located they often provide insight into important events and commitments in your ancestors' lives. Military service records can bring your ancestors to life though they may have served long ago and far, far away. The challenge is to identify which military records exist and then figure out how to search for them. You might find answers to such questions in the archives of RootsWeb's military mailing lists, on the military topic message boards, in RootsWeb's user-contributed databases, or in RootsWeb's Guide to Tracing Family Trees. Read more.
Massachusetts Vital Records Online
The Massachusetts State Archives office has now placed some databases online: The Index to Vital Records (1841-1910),
Index to Passenger Manifests (1848-1891), and Massachusetts
Archives Collections Database (1629-1799). All are searchable with surname; the Vital Records index search engine also permits first name, town, and a range of years.
Michigan Naturalizations Index Databases
Volunteers in Michigan have indexed naturalizations for all counties in the state. Use of the online indexes is free, hosted by official webpages of state government. Some indexes are searchable, while others are downloadable PDF files. They are arranged separately by county at the following URL:
Land Regsitry on the Move
Greece and Albania are the only two European countries without a national land registry. The current effort to compile one started in the mid-90s but is being plagued by delays. Click here to read full Athens News article.
Find Your Ancestor's Age Quickly with Online Calculator
Finding an ancestor's age at death is a common calculation conundrum. An easyand freesolution is the Days Between Calculator (http://www.easycalculation.com/days-between-dates.php), which shows you how many years, months and days have elapsed between two dates. For 88 more fabulous genealogy freebies, see the June 2006 Family Tree Magazine, available at http://www.familytreemagazine.com/mags/display.asp?id=1768.
Ancestry.com Adds Index of All Databases, Making Searches Easier
Finally, Ancestry.com, the online database subscription giant, has added a tool to make searching through its site easier: an online index of its more than 23,000 databases. Visitors can narrow down their searches--and in many cases make them more productive--by selecting out the databases in which they are interested. Use of this new tool represents a great improvement for visitors, especially persons researching Hellenic ancestry, because it will eliminate scrolling through thousands of returns in order to find specific entries. http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/alldblist.aspx.
New Bipolar Family Tree Program
Bipolar disorder (manic depression) is a treatable medical condition that affects approximately 5.7 million American adults. But, the condition can be hard to recognize because it may come across as depression, euphoria, trouble at work, out-of-control spending, substance abuse or even suicide attempts. Now, a new program that addresses the family connection of bipolar disorder is available to help families get their doctors to more accurately and quickly diagnose this complex condition. The Mental Health Family Tree program (www.MentalHealthFamilyTree.org <https://chiowa.edelman.com/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=
http://www.mentalhealthfamilytree.org/>), launched by the national non-profit organization Families for Depression Awareness (FFDA), draws attention to the important role a person's family mental health history can play in diagnosing bipolar disorder, while helping individuals identify some of the common - but sometimes unknown - behaviors associated with the condition. People concerned about the existence of bipolar disorder in themselves or in family members can visit www.MentalHealthFamilyTree.org <https://chiowa.edelman.com/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=
http://www.mentalhealthfamilytree.org/>; to build their own Mental Health Family Tree by completing a simple, interactive questionnaire. This family tree can be printed out and used to spark conversations with doctors or
(Originally published in UpFront with NGS, The Online Newsletter of the National Genealogical Society, Volume 5, Number 6 -- 1 June 2006, http://www.NGSgenealogy.org/upfront.cfm)
(Edd: Links given above are broken up into two sections. To use them properly, copy and past each line separately into your browser URL window, the second line of the address immediately following the first with no intervening spaces.)
Missouri Death Index Now Online (1910-1955)
The Missouri State Archives has recently made available an online index containing more than 2,000,000 names. Visitors can also view images of the certifcates at the online site http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/resources/deathcertificates/. According to the National Genealogical Society, "over 600 volunteers and students from across the nation and other coutnries logged over 27,000 hours" to create the database.
Because of overwhelming numbers of requests for copies of certificates, staff are now releasing additional scanned images as each year is completed, rather than by decade as originally planned.
Somerville (MA) Museum to Feature Exhibitions on Greek Immigration & Greek-American World War I Hero
From September 10, 2006 through March 25, 2007, a fascinating, thought-provokding two-part exhibition--New Lives in a New Land: Immigration in Somerville & the Greater Boston area--The Greek Community and Hope, Valor, & Inspiration: 1896-1918: The World of George Dilbory--Greek Immigrant & American Hero--will be at the Somerville Museum, One Westwood Road, Somerville, MA 02143. This exhibition, organized by the Somerville Museuma nd Historic Somerville, Inc. will chronicle the Greek migration to the Somerville-Greater Boston area during the past century, the contributions that these newcomers to America's shores have made and George Dilbory, the Greek immigrant from Alatsata in Asia Minor/ Somerville resident who became the first Greek-American to be awarded the U.S. Medal of Honor. Read more.
Colorado's Historic Newspaper Collection--Articles Available Online
Search for digitized Colorado newspapers from 1859 to 1923.