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Searching for Their Stefana: Locating My Grandparents' Marriage Record
Philip Tedro: A Greek Legend of the American West
Examining False Copyright Claims in Genealogy
On Teaching About the Greek-American Experience
First Generation Greek Immigrants in Australia estimated at 180,000
Coming to America: Stories of Greek Immigrants and American Authors' Weekend at the Annunciation Cathedral of Atlanta
Declaration of Northern Epirotes from Korytsa and Kolonia Demanding Union with Greece--Pan-Epirotis Union in America, Boston, 1919. [a lengthy document--1.92 MB PDF--37pp)
Annunciation Cathedral of Atlanta Schedules Hellenic Genealogy Workshop for Centennial Celebration
Picture Bible of Mani Captivates with Historical Images--A Review
Arcadia, My Arcadia Masterfully Depicts Greek Village Life--A Review
Meyer Completes Fifth Historical Novel About Greece During WWII and Receives Award
Out of the Balkans--A Review
Brief History of the Balteas
Family of Exo Mani and
The Uprooting of Hellenism in Asia Minor, Part Two
The Historic Boston Cathedral: Reliving 100 Years
National Historical Museum
of Greece Donates Books for
UNH Special Collection
Alexander the Great: Sui
Alexander the Great:Sui Generis by Nicolas Martis--Revisited
Forever Club Sponsors Genealogy Workshop
The Atmeidan or Hippodrome -- in Constantinople
Greek Genealogy Workshops Held in Somerville, Haverhill, Massachusetts
Hundreds of South Floridians Attend Hellenic Historical & Genealogical Association Workshops
Greeks in the Confederate Army
Greek-Americans Receive Ellis Island Medals of Honor
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Other recommended links

Mikrasia Revisited: A Glimpse of Peristasi in Eastern Thrace--by James L. Marketos, Esq.
Marketos writes eloquently and poignantly about a trip taken by his mother to her ancestral Greek village in occuped Thrace. Although nearly all traces of the village's Greek character and origin had been erased or lost since the exchange of populations, one village elder recalled her family, offering a tenuous link to the childhood stories her own mother had related often. Read more.
New Online Databases for Genealogical Research on Lancaster County in Pennsylvania
The New England Historic Genealogical Association recently reported that a new series of related online databases have been made available to researchers through the Lancaster County Historical Society and the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society. Hellenic Historical and Genealogical Association has reviewed the utility of these online databases for research on Greek subjects. Read more.
Review of "English Equivalents to Foreign Given Names" Posted by US GenWeb Project
New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) recently posted a review of a project of US GenWeb: the "English Equivalents to Foreign Given Names." Reviewer Michael J. Leclerc reported that the data of the project was a "valuable research tool" for genealogists. The project consists of a 114-page-long list of given names, arranged alphabetically by their root names. Leclerc elaborated on details of the list and how to use it. HHGA undertook to assess the specific utility of the project for Greek-American subjects. But in order for the names of this US GenWeb project to offer meaningful assistance in researching Greek family history, there must be a column dedicated to representations of Greek given names. And, of course, the project doesn't have one. Read entire review.
St. George SocietyTsamantas [Epirus] Newsletter--Spring 2010
St. George Benefit Society has undertaken a number of philanthropic projects, one of which is the translation into English of a village history penned originally by Nikos Nitsios in 1926 and republished in Athens in 1991. Publication of the translation is expected in 2010-2011. The Tsamantas fraternal society recently celebrated its centennial history, posting information online about its own history and the village Tsamantas. New members warmly welcomed. For more information, read release or visit website at http://www.100yearsinamerica.org
Review of The Greeks of Today 1907 by George Horton and Republished by Hellenic Electronic Center
George Horton served as the American Consul General in Smyrna during the heinous events of 1922. Following the Turkish burning of the city and massive American rescue efforts, Horton returned to the U.S. and lectured widely about the events of 1922 and about the accomplishments of Modern Greeks. For those Greek-Americans who are interested in the accomplishments of notable Greeks and their struggles to overcome adversity, this volume by HEC is a delight. Horton's speech is uplifting because it showcases our cultural heritage. Of particular interest in this reprint edition is the generous inclusion of supplementary biographical data on persons mentioned in the speech and reactions in the American press to Horton's appearances across the country. Read more.
Secretary of World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) Visits Greeks of Hungary and Slovakia and Veterans of Greek Civil War
Dr. Olga Sarantopoulos, SAE Secretary, attended a meeting of Hungarian physicians of Greek descent at the invitation of Greek community leaders in Budapest. She also visited the Greek language school there, meeting with instructors who taught in Budapest and in the two schools of Belogiannis and Miskolt. Sarantopoulos also visited with veterans of the Greek Civil War, refugees who had fled Greece after the defeat of Communist insurgents. She was warmly received by the community, now numbering about 4500 Greeks, mostly elderly veterans and second- and third-generation descendants. Community leaders discussed with her personal accounts of war tribulations and the loss of Greek citizenship and properties because of partisan activities in the Civil War. She later viewed exhibits detailing the history of Greeks in Hungary dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries during the Ottoman Empire. Her visit concluded with a trip to Slovakia where she met with Greek community leaders there. Read entire press release. Click here for Greek version of article-release.
Calculating Cousin Relationships
Next time you attend an extended family gathering, you're sure to get acquainted with relatives like your first cousin's children or Papou's (grandfather's) first cousin. How do you calculate these relationships? Are they cousins or removed cousins? Read more.
What's on a Death Certificate?
When requesting death certificates, researchers may be surprised by the “depth or dearth” of information recorded. Death certificates were not always required and were rare before the late 1800s. This article offers a historical overview of the types of information included on certificates and uses images to illustrate changes in the records over time. Click here to read entire article.
Searching for Their Stefana: Locating My Grandparents' Marriage Record
My father had told me several times how upset his mother had been at the apparent loss of her marriage record. When she had applied for citizenship in the late 40's, she couldn't seem to find the certificate. Together with my grandfather she searched everywhere, through more than three decades of American family records and memorabilia. As my father related the story, my grandparents had to re-create another civil marriage record as part of the naturalization process, and no record of her marriage could be found at the family church. I wanted a copy of this civil record, so I set out on an odyssey to try to find it. Readers may find some of these tips useful in searching for their own family records. Read entire article.
British Telephone Directories and Passenger Lists
In recent years Ancestry.co.uk and Findmypast.com have introduced respectively the ability to search UK telephone directories (1880 to 1984), and passenger lists (1890 to 1939). Read more.
Newspaper Research Tips for Genealogical Research
Ten excellent tips for researching newspaper archives, presented by genealogist Pam Walton at Kingwood College in Texas, and reported by Mary Harrell-Sesniak in Rootsweb Review.
Separating Sticky Document and Photo Pages: Genealogists' and Archivists' Tips
A compilation of successful strategies, quick tips, for separating sticky pages and photos. Make a copy of these tips and take them with you to libraries and archives when researching your family history.
Genealogical Sleuthing: Understanding Rootsweb's Social Security Death Index
One of the things that made RootsWeb famous was the Social Security Death Index (SSDI). When it was first added to the site around 2000, it was free, was updated more frequently than any other online version, and was accompanied by the best search engine. Today, RootsWeb continues to be one of the most convenient and effective places to access this index. How much do you know about the SSDI? Click here for entire text.
International Genealogical Symbols
Rootsweb Review recently published a lengthy list of symbols frequently used in international genealogy, often simple abbreviations, to render concise large amounts of data. For persons who intend to conduct research abroad, understanding these abbreviations may prove useful.Click here for full article.
Digital Records for New Jersey Research Now Available Online for Genealogists
The e-newsletter of the New England Historic & Genealogical Society (NEHGS) recently announced the availability of new, free databases on the Internet for researchers (eNews, Vol. 11, No. 8, Whole #415, February 25, 2009). Valerie Beaudrault, writing for NEHGS recently, outlined the new information posted to the Atlantic County Library System of New Jersey (http://www.atlanticlibrary.org/collections/digitized/index.asp). Hellenic Historical and Genealogical Association examined some of these digital records for their utility to Greek-Americans and found some surprising gems, among which are a scanned collection of local newspapers and indexes of immigration records with more than two thousand names. Click here to read about our brief review of this database.
Review of Surname Suggestion List Genealogists' Freeware
HHGA tested out a new, free software program designed to assist surname genealogy searches on Google. This software, essentially a share-ware program, is called Surname Suggestion List. Reviews by professional genealogists gave the program positive marks for its overall utility, aiding researchers by listing surname variations sometimes overlooked. Although it has been our experience that surname-based electronic searches usually have only limited usefulness for Hellenic surnames, we still put Surname Suggestion List through its paces to discover the extent of its applicability for Greek-Americans. Read entire review.
on the military topic message boards, in RootsWeb's user-contributed databases, or in RootsWeb's Guide to Tracing Family Trees. Read more.