5th Annual Hellenic Soccer Tournament 3-5 September 2010 in Illinois
Team Registrations Welcome
Welcome to the 5th Annual Hellenic Soccer Tournament organized and presented by the most successful sports web site outside
of Greece GREEKSOCCER.COM. This is a one of a kind event that brings together Hellenic Soccer teams from all over the globe
in one location at Schaumburg, Illinois, USA.
This Hellenic soccer tournament is open to all ages. At the end of the tournament there will be only one undisputed Hellenic
Soccer tournament champion (per division)! This packet explains all the details of the tournament, as well as it provides you with
the forms needed to be filled out and submitted by the required deadlines.
For all the latest information visit our tournament web site at: http://www.greeksoccer.com/tournament
The 4th Annual Hellenic Tournament pictures, standings, results, etc can be found here:
Important Dates and Deadlines
Pre-registration Deadline:
June 1, 2010
Final Registration Deadline:
July 1, 2010 http://www.greeksoccer.com/forms/tournament.php
Entry Fee Deadline:
July 1, 2010 ($100 late fee added if payment received after this date)
Group Draw:
August 15, 2010
All Forms Due By:
August 15, 2010
Player & Team Registrations:
September 3, 2010 (3:00PM - 7:00PM) September 4, 2010 (11:00AM - 2:00PM) All registrations to take place at the GREEKSOCCER.COM Booth (at the entrance of Olympic Park Fields)
September 3, 2010 (7:00PM - 11:00PM) September 4, 2010 (3:00PM - 11:00PM)
September 5, 2010 (10:00AM - 6:00PM)
September 5, 2010 - 7:30PM 2:00AM Schaumburg Marriott Grand Ballroom (50 N. Martingale Road, Schaumburg, Illinois)
Fees/Costs Note: All fees are in US dollars.
Tournament Registration Fee - $900 per team
The entry fee for each team is and it must be submitted with the Final Tournament Registration by July 1, 2010. The fee includes a $100.00 deposit that helps maintain the integrity of the tournament, and will be refunded after your team has participated in all of its scheduled tournament games.
Awards Banquet Entrance Fee - $20 per person (Discounted price if you get your tickets ahead of
In order to help us offset the costs of the tournament we are asking that all attending the Awards
Ceremony on September 5, 2010 at the Tournament Hotel (Schaumburg Marriott Grand Ballroom - 50
N. Martingale Road, Schaumburg, Illinois). The fee covers entrance to the Awards Ceremony, food
from the buffet, and DJ services for your dancing pleasure. There will also be a cash bar available.
Please email us at tournament@greeksoccer.com with the number of Awards Ceremony tickets you
would like for your team. If you buy your Awards Ceremony tickets at the tournament they will be
selling for $25 per person.
Tournament T-Shirt - $15 (Discounted price if you pre-order)
If you would like to order tournament t-shirts ahead of time so we have them available to you when you
arrive please email us at tournament@greeksoccer.com with the number of t-shirts and the
appropriate sizes. If you buy the t-shirt at the tournament they will be selling for $20.
Participating Teams
Please refer to the tournament website for the latest updates on teams participating: http://www.greeksoccer.com/tournament/
Awards Reception
An Awards Reception will be held on September 5, 2010 Featured DJs “Sounds Of Greece”. The awards reception is not just for
the awards to be handed out to the teams but to also give the opportunity to all those that have participated in the tournament
(alongside their guests) to spend a night in getting to know each other. So please do “stick around” and make this a memorable
All tournament divisions will receive:
- First , Second, Third place teams: Trophy
- Each team thereafter will receive a commemorative trophy
- Top scorer trophies
Rules & Information
- Competitive Division - Teams must have a minimum of 5 Greek players on their roster (22 player roster maximum). Any
player can play at any time without us having to check if they are Greek or non-Greek. ROSTERS: Completed Rosters
must be turned in to the registration desk no later than one hour prior to your first game. Please see the table above for
dates and location information. A total of 22 players can be used in the tournament. If the initial roster contains fewer than
22 players, additional players may be added during the scheduled registration times mentioned above but no new players
can be added for the play-off games.
- All Other Divisions - Teams will be allowed to have only 5 non-Greek players on their roster (22 player roster maximum).
This way any player can play at any time without us having to check if they are Greek or non-Greek. This means that you
can have 6 Greek players and 5 non-Greek players on the pitch.
ROSTERS: Completed Rosters must be turned in to the registration desk no later than one hour prior to your first game.
Please see the table above for dates and location information. A total of 22 players can be used in the tournament. If the
initial roster contains fewer than 22 players, additional players may be added during the scheduled registration times
mentioned above but no new players can be added for the play-off games.
- All Players, due to insurance reasons, must be registered for this tournament. Players who are not registered cannot play.
When: September 3, 2010 (3:00PM - 7:00PM) & September 4, 2010 (11:00AM - 2:00PM)
Where: GREEKSOCCER.COM Booth at the Olympic Park Entrance Gate
What you need to bring in order to register: Team Managers need to bring COMPLETED roster/waiver forms with
player signatures. In order for the players to be allowed to play they need to bring with them one of the following in order to
acquire their “player wristband”:
a) Your own team registration card (w/photo)
b) Driver’s License
c) Photo ID
d) Passport
- First team listed on the schedule is designated the home team. In case of uniform color conflict with the opposing team,
the home team must change. The home team shall also supply the game ball.
- All matches for the Hellenic Soccer Tournament will be played in accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game.
- Men’s Open Division (recreational or competitive) teams can use up to 2 players from the Over-30/Over-40 but not vice-
versa. Over-40 Division teams can use up to 2 players between the ages of 35-39.
- Teams are not allowed to have guest players from other clubs participating in the tournament.
- Every team needs to check in with the referees 15 minutes before their respective games.
- Players who are shown the red card must follow tournament rules and sit out the next game.
- Players who show extreme behavior during the game, such as fighting or attacking a referee or any other person during the
game, will be suspended from the tournament indefinitely. STRONGLY ENFORCED as we do not promote this kind of
- Teams that show extreme behavior at any point during the tournament, such as arguing referee calls, fighting or attacking a
referee or any other team during the tournament will be suspended from the tournament indefinitely. STRONGLY
ENFORCED as we do not promote this kind of behavior.
- A player is ineligible if any of the following occurs:
a. He is not on the roster.
b. He is not registered with the Hellenic Soccer Tournament.
c. He is red-carded (1 Game Suspension).
d. His team has been eliminated or disqualified.
- All decisions made during the match and/or contest can only be made by the referee assigned to that match and cannot
be overruled by the tournament director or staff. In the event a referee terminates a match (different from temporarily
suspending) the score will be recorded, as it was when the game was stopped.
- Teams have 5 minutes to show up for the schedule match, if a team does not show up within those 5 minutes the opposing
team will be given a 2-0 win.
- Teams need a minimum of seven (7) players to start and compete in a tournament match. If a game is canceled for any
reason by tournament officials, the game is considered a 0-0 tie (if Final penalty shoot-out to ensue).
- There are no yellow card accumulations. If a player receives a red card they will miss their team’s next game.
- There will be unlimited substitutions with the permission of the referee at the following times: (a) possession of a throw in;
(b) either teams goal kick; (c) either team scores a goal; (d) at the beginning of the second half; (e) in case of injury, the
player may remain in the match. unlimited substitution; (f) all substitutes must enter the playing field from the half way line
and should not enter the playing field until the player they are replacing has reached the touchline at midfield.
- Teams that do not show up/play their scheduled tournament game they will lose with a 3-0 scoreline and also be deducted
3 points.
- There will be six divisions Men’s Open Competitive, Men’s Open Recreational, Men’s Over 30, Men’s Over 40, Men’
Over 50 & Youth.
- All games are 2 x 30 minutes except (teams are guaranteed to play 4 games) the finals which are 2 x 45, and will be
played on the assigned fields at Schaumburg’s Olympic Park complex (please see Olympic Park section below for park
details & regulations). a) There will be final games from each division featuring the 1st v 2nd placed teams (determines
tournament champion), and 3rd v 5th placed teams (determines 3rd place team), and so on. If divisions have an odd
number of teams registered, the last team on the division after group play (4 games guaranteed) will not play a final game.
- All games will feature three referees. THERE IS GOING TO BE STRICT ENFORCEMENT (teams will forfeit games) if
any players or teams argue referee decisions or calls.
- Matches that are tied at the end of regulation (includes semi-finals and finals), the tie will be broken by the use of 5 penalty
shots. Each team will select (5) players to kick - only players on the field at the end of the game may be selected. After
the first 5 penalty shots any player from the team can be used.
(a) Team will alternate kicks - first team to kick will be determined by the referee's coin flip.
(b) If the score remains tied after five (5) kicks, teams will alternate kicks one at a time until a winner is determined.
(c) All eligible players must kick before any eligible player can repeat.
(d) Goalies may be changed after any shot.
Group Ranking Criteria
Teams will be awarded points according to the following:
Win = 3 points
Tie = 1 points
Loss = 0 points
In the case of a forfeit (i.e. team does not show up), the winning team is awarded a 2-0 victory.
Group Tiebreakers:
If at the end of preliminary group matches two or more teams are tied with the same number of points
the following tiebreakers will be used:
(1) If only two teams are tied: (a) result of head-to-head competition; (b) goal differential; (c) fewest
goals allowed; (d) most goals scored; (e) penalty shots.
(2) If more than two teams are tied and all the teams involved have played each other, use the
tiebreakers in # 1 until a clear winner has been determined.
(3) If more than two teams are tied and all the teams did not play each other use the tiebreakers in # 1
starting with: (a) goal differential, until a clear winner has been determined; (b) number of teams tied
has been reduced to two.
*If the number of teams tied has been reduced to two then return to (1a) and begin the process again.
Player Equipment
All players and teams participating must meet the following requirements. Shin guards must be worn. No jewelry will be allowed.
Where jersey colors are similar, the away team (which is team that is listed second on the schedule) must change their jersey.
All teams must bring two different jerseys. All socks must be pulled up over the shin guards and jersey's tucked in at the start of
the match and beginning of the second half and overtime periods. No duplicate jersey numbers will be permitted whether on the
sidelines or on the field of play. All jerseys must have a number on them.
Casts and braces: The referee for each match will be the sole judge as to whether a player wearing an orthopedic cast or braces
shall be eligible to participate.
Eyewear: Players with prescription glasses must wear sports goggles while participating in our tournament.
Player, Coach, Bench Personnel, Spectator Behavior
All players, coaches, bench personnel and spectators are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the spirit
as well as the letter of the Law of the Game. Referees have been specifically instructed to run the matches according to this spirit
and will act accordingly. Dissent from players, coaches, bench personnel and/or spectators will not be tolerated; cautions and/or
dismissals will result. Players are encouraged to play all matches with intensity and desire. However, unnecessary physical play
particularly that with intent to injure will not be tolerated; cautions and/or dismissals will result. Coaches are responsible for the
actions of the players, bench personnel and spectators as well as those of himself. Players who are dismissed from a match will
not be allowed to participate in the next match. Coaches, bench personnel or spectators dismissed from a match will be banned from further tournament competition. Dismissed coaches, bench personnel and spectators with in "sight" or "sound" of his/her
teams match(es) may be grounds for his/her team(s) being disqualified from the tournament. Players who are dismissed for
fighting may be banned from further tournament participation. The tournament director will make this decision. His / her decision is
final and binding. Teams will be held responsible for adhering to this rule. Any team playing a dismissed player outside of this rule
will be disqualified form the tournament and all matches played by the team.
The Tournament Director reserves the right to terminate the participation of a team in the tournament if the behavior of the
player(s), coach(es), bench personnel and/or spectators creates an atmosphere in which a match(es) cannot be completed with
the spirit and letters of the Laws.
Inclement Weather
Regardless of weather conditions, players and managers must be at the Olympic Park site at the scheduled playing time, ready
to play. The master schedule is posted at http://www.greeksoccer.com/tournament. All paper copies of the schedule are only
tentative schedules. It is the manager's responsibility to check the master schedule for changes. A minimum of 7 players must be
prepared to play before a team will be allowed to start a match and continue playing a match. The tournament director may
reduce the length or terminate the match due to weather conditions; all such matches will be considered to be official.
IMPORTANT: Olympic Park officials will cancel the matches due to inclement weather and adverse field conditions.
Referee decisions may not be protested. All other appeals will be decided by the tournament committee. The tournament
committee shall rule on all matters not covered herein, and their decision is final.
IMPORTANT: We have reserved a block of rooms on our official tournament hotel (Marriott) so please call them at your earliest
convenience and book your club rooms. Please reference: The Hellenic Soccer Tournament in order to receive the tournament
rate! You may reserve the rooms by calling Marriott Reservations at (847) 240-0100 and requesting the Hellenic Soccer Tournament rates of:
1) With breakfast - $105 This option will give up to four (4) guests of a room the ability to utilize the breakfast buffet for the duration of your stay.
2) Without breakfast - $95
Note: Requests must be made by Wednesday, August 11, 2010 in order to qualify for the tournament group rate. Tournament
organizers have reserved a block of rooms at the above special rates for September 3, 2010 (Friday night) to September 5, 2010
(Sunday night). These rooms can accommodate up to 4 adult players (2 double beds). Remember, the Awards ceremony is on
Sunday, September 5, 2010 so you will most likely be checking out of the rooms on Monday September 6, 2010.
The hotel is located very close to the tournament venue at Olympic Park less than 300 feet away. It's also in an area that offers
you many shopping and dining options.
Chicago Marriott Schaumburg, 50 N. Martingale Road, Schaumburg, IL 60173 Tel: +1(847) 240-0100
The Streets of Woodfield mall is less than a mile away, and the massive Woodfield Mall and an IKEA furniture store are nearby.
You will find many restaurants as Shaw's Crab House, and Maggiano's Little Italy. If you're looking for Greek fun or food, the are
also offers Greek Village Taverna and Yannis Restaurant.
Schaumburg is close to Chicago’s O’Hare airport (about 20 minutes) has lots of hotels, shopping malls, bars, and restaurants.
It is about 40 minutes away from downtown Chicago.
Athletico Services
Athletico is excited to provide athletic training and first aide coverage for the 5th Annual Hellenic Soccer Tournament.
Athletico will provide certified athletic trainers on site at the soccer field during the tournament for any registered team player.
Services will include taping, bandaging, injury management, and if need be emergency care. Band-Aids and other basic first aide
supplies will be available through Athletico.
If a registered team player would like to be taped (ex: ankle sprain), the athlete must provide their own tape. Our on staff certified
athletic trainers will provide the evaluations and applications for taping, bandaging, and injury management.
Web: http://www.athletico.com
Olympic Park Directions
Olympic Park Complex
50 Martingale Road
Schaumburg, Illinois 60195

The tournament will be held on 6 Synthetic Turf Soccer Fields (#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7) and 1 Natural Grass Soccer Field (#6).
From Chicago
Take The Kennedy Expressway (I-90) west. Follow signs “To Rockford”.
Exit onto 53- I290 South.
Exit at Higgins Road.
Turn right (west) onto Higgins
Make quick left (south) onto Martingale Road.
Turn right (west) at Schaumburg Road
Make a quick left into the Olympic Park Parking lot.
Olympic Park Rules

Cancellation Policy
The Hellenic Soccer Tournament organizers (GREEKSOCCER.COM) will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any
team in the event games are discontinued or cancelled due to inclement weather or adverse field conditions. No refunds will be
made unless the tournament is cancelled, in which case refunds will be refunded at a prorated amount of the entry fee based on
the number of games played. All decisions and/or interpretations made by the tournament committee are final.
Contact Information
There are many questions that are not covered in the scope of this tournament packet. Please feel free to contact the tournament
personnel below with any questions regarding the tournament.
John Kosmas
Phone: 847-722-4848
eMail: john@greeksoccer.com
Web: http://www.greeksoccer.com
8926 North Greenwood Ave
Niles, Illinois 60714
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Is the tournament fee in US dollars?
- Do you accept credit cards for the entry fee?
- Can we send cash for the entry fee?
Yes. Cash payments can be received at the following PAYPAL address - shop@greeksoccer.com.
- Who do we make the money orders or checks payable to?
- Where do we mail the tournament entry fee checks, forms, etc.?
GREEKSOCCER.COM Inc. 8926 North Greenwood Ave PMB#139 Niles, Illinois 60714.
- Are there facilities for BBQ'ing at Olympic Park?
The village of Schaumburg Illinois does not allow us to cook our own food at Olympic Park. However, there is a concession
stand where you can purchase drinks, food, chips, etc etc.
- How many Greek players must be playing on the field at all times?
Since this is a Hellenic Tournament we are trying to make sure that the majority of players on the field are Greek. With
that said each team must have at least 6 Greek players on the pitch at all times.
Team Participation Form
See tourney website at http://www.greeksoccer.com/tournament
Team Waiver Form
See tourney website at http://www.greeksoccer.com/tournament
(Posting date 19 June 2010)
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