(Back row, left to right): Pete Doku, Panos Pitsas, and Don Cheek; (Center row) Mary Booras, Chris Christopher, and John Bardis; (Front row) Dr. Dennis Agallianos, Georgia-lee Agallianos, and Mary Michaelides
St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Keene, New Hampshire announces that it will host a concert on Saturday, September 29 from 7:30 to 9:00 PM at the Keene Middle School Auditorium to benefit the Church Building Fund Drive. The concert will feature the famous Hellenic and Near Eastern Musical Society's orchestra, co-conducted by Christos Papoutsy and Frederick Elias. The orchestra will perform a repertoire comprised of pieces from noted Greek composers and performers as Hatzidakis, Theodorakis, Moschos, Dalaras, and Glykeria.
Events Chairman, Chris Christopher, along with members of the Steering Committee, John Bardis, Panos Pitsas, and Mary Michaelides, and the Parish Council have worked together to ensure a complete success for the event. Wayne Canwell, the community's photographer and advertising coordinator, is in charge of poster, tickets and flyer design.
For more information or to purchase tickets, call the Church office at 603-352-6424.