September 11th Relief Fund Established
His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, working together with all Orthodox jurisdictions in the U.S., has established the September 11th Relief Fund and the National Orthodox September 11 Relief Centers.
The Relief Centers in the New York area are supported and assisted by Clergy, Philoptochos, YAL and volunteers from area Orthodox Churches, as well as International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) and many other Orthodox jurisdictions.
Professional trauma counseling services are being provided at the World Trade Center Disaster Recovery Site, as well as at family and volunteer centers. A coordination hub has been established at St. Barbara's Greek Orthodox Church near the disaster site to facilitate and support all activities. Orthodox churches of all jurisdictions in the New York area will provide counseling centers and services.
Also, a Hotline has been established for families and individuals to request counseling and other assistance. A Volunteer Line has been established for clergy and professional counselors for their involvement.
How can I help?
The Archdiocese recommends: Pray for the victims and all persons affected by the tragedy and disaster in New York and Washington, DC. Send your monetary donations to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese September 11 Relief Fund, which will be dedicated to the children of the missing, including the fallen heroes from the fire department and police officers who sacrificed their lives for others. Volunteer your time as a professional clergy or lay counselor experienced in trauma and disaster needs. Relief Hotline: 877-774-0217. Volunteer/Contribution Line: 212-570-3595
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
8 East 79th Street
New York, NY 10021
Please visit www.goarch.org for updated resources, news and information.
Leadership 100 Gives $500,000 Emergency Grant
Arthur C. Anton, Chairman of Leadership 100, has announced that the Executive Committee of the organization, at an extraordinary teleconference, voted unanimously to grant $500,000 immediately to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America for the SEPTEMBER 11 RELIEF FUND established by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios following his visit to the World Trade Center disaster site the day after the tragic events there. The Relief Fund will primarily address the needs of the orphans of the September 11 tragedy, the children of the firefighters, policemen and all other innocent victims of the massacre.
Mr. Anton said: "We have been witnesses to a great national tragedy, but we are comforted that our Spiritual Father, Archbishop Demetrios, was there to respond. Our very purpose for existing as an organization is to support the critical ministries of our Archdiocese in America. What more critical ministry is there than this?"
His Eminence, overwhelmed by the gesture, said: "Leadership 100 has led us once again with its compassionate heart and strong resolve. They saw no option but a bold expression of faith in our Church, our community and our country."
In addition, the Leadership 100 Executive Committee approved an appeal to go our to all its members to give urgently and generously to the SEPTEMBER 11 RELIEF FUND. Mr. Anton said the appeal would go out today. His Eminence also established NATIONAL ORTHODOX SEPTEMBER 11 RELIEF CENTERS in cooperation with International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), an agency that operates under the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA), of which he serves as Chairman.
September 11th Relief Fund
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
8 East 79th Street
New York, NY 10021
Relief Hotline: 877-774-0217
Line: 212-570-3595
Archbishop Demetrios Announces IOCC Coordination of Relief Centers
His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios has announced that the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) would help coordinate the newly established NATIONAL ORTHODOX RELIEF CENTERS organized by the Archdiocese to address the destruction of the World Trade Towers.
The Coordination Hub for the Relief Centers at St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church near the disaster site began operations on Sept. 14 with the assistance of Dirk Van Gorp, Head of Program Development and Emergency Response for the IOCC. The Coordination Hub began scheduling and facilitating teams of clergy and lay counselors to minister to rescue workers at the disaster site, as well as counseling for families and other individuals at emergency centers and hospitals.
Work at the Relief Centers will involve volunteers from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, Greek Orthodox Churches and other Orthodox jurisdictions and churches. Two lines have been established at the Archdiocese and at St. Barbara's and are receiving numerous calls. The NATIONAL ORTHODOX SEPTEMBER 11 RELIEF HOTLINE (877-774-0217) for individuals to inquire regarding missing persons, to request counseling and any other assistance and the NATIONAL ORTHODOX SEPTEMBER 11 RELIEF VOLUNTEER LINE (212-570-3595) to solicit volunteers for emergency, professional and for other types of assistance and to solicit donations and in-kind contributions to the SEPTEMBER 11 RELIEF FUND, established simultaneously with the Relief Centers.
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese has designated other churches in the New York City area as Relief Centers and is working with the Orthodox Church in America, the Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese, the Serbian Orthodox Church, and the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church to establish additional Relief Centers.

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